
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:08:36
要开通拍拍网是不是要银行卡里面有钱?但是我里面有钱啊.可是就是冲不 了财富通.不知道是为什么.请懂的人跟我说下. 关于my Class的英语作文 大约60字 让人微笑的方法求大神帮助 比如:在窗前挂三个晴天娃娃,许愿! 求一首英文歌:you are my everything and i need you you to know ····歌词有以下几句:说唱的you are my everything and i need you you to know ····plesee don't let me down```是这个视频的背景音乐~ To me you are everything i know i need you so 什么意思啊,亲们,急,帮忙啊 歌词里有i love you i need you 还有 you are my everything 求歌名!是男生lap 女生唱的 纯英文歌.是轻快的歌. 怎么来证明你喜欢的人他也喜欢你?怎么来证明你喜欢的人他也喜欢你?到底要怎么证明他也是喜欢你的?从哪一方面可以看出来呢? I really like English very much.是 I like them very much .They taste really _____ .A.good B.bad C.well D.badly The teacher with a lot of students visiting a cai factry at that time a.are b.is c.was d.wereThe teacher with a lot of students visiting a cai factry at that time a.are b.is c.was d.were我认为是Cinvite sb do sth有吗? How ____sugar do you want?a\ muchb\ a lot ofc\ a lot说明理由 How many()do you want?kilos of eggskilos of eggkilo of eggs到底选哪个啊?谢谢了! The important of the water 英语作文 70字最好关系到 可不可以喝的水 One of the most important questions they had to consider was ____ of public health.A.what B.this C.that D.which为什么A不行哦 不是表语从句么 英语作文The important of numbers 60字的 53.One of the most important questions they had to consider was ____ of public health.(全国I)A.what B.this C.that D.which One of the most important question they had to consider was ____of public health. A.what B.this C.that D.which答案选的C 请朋友们帮忙解释下 I am your son.But you are not my mother .Who are you?________________(猜一猜) l am your son.But youare not my mother.Who are you?回答要翻译问题,回答英语 考考你;I' m not your father,but you' re my son,who am I﹖ I‘m your——. I sun your mother you are who The pupils are listening to the teacher carefully.(怎么改为否定句?) the student were____over the ____problem ,listening to the teacher witha_____expression on their face第一个空是用puzzling还是puzzled -----are listening to the teacher carefully now.AThe all students BThe whole students CThe studentD The students whole Need not to know My past life为名的英文作文 I need to know 歌词电视剧《传闻中的七公主》插曲 write down的用法write your ideas down和write down your ideas两个哪一个对呀?还是都对? 为什么可以write it down ,有时不可以write down it?类似的句子的用法请说一下. write down怎么用,是write sth down,还是write down sth 又一个很菜的问题,write down和write out在用法上的区别.