
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:53:51
APR英语缩写 My mother dusts the furniture (once a week.)(对括号内提问)The Young Pineers the often (help the old clean their houses.)(对括号内提问)Mike took some pictures in the park yesterday.(用every day 替换 yesterday)My teacher corrects our A Lucky Day That Happened In the Summer Holidays求作文.给儿子.我文化低. Slow boy slow down A:Where's the pay phone?B:It's on Center Street.A:Where's the pay phone?B:It's on Center Street.A:Where's the Center Street?B:.为什么Center Street第一个前面没the,第二个前面加了the There are___(many)new beauty spots here than in other cities of China. Tom does not wash his shors every week.改为被动语态 Tom always swims (for two hours)every week(对括号部分提问)____ ___does Tom always ____every week All of them (seldom)watch basketball matches (对括号部分提问)____ _____ _____ all of them ______basketball matches他经常不吃早饭就 20-aug-2012是几月 Where+is+the+supermarket怎么回答答得好重重有赏! where is the near supermarket 关于运动方面的英语知识大家帮帮我啊,谢谢咯 where is the supermarket?3Q 我想了解更多关于运动方面的知识 用英语说 括号里填A或B,A:live B:lives My cousin,DaLong,()there.My cousin,DaLong,( )there My uncle lives in Xi'an.(对画线部分提问 ) 人心不足蛇吞象是谁说的 承认自己说英语学霸的,快来挑战这题吧! piease,is,supermarket,where,the,(,)(?)(连词成句) 讲解三角函数的诱导公式 就是那个诱导什么函数sin(α+k·360°)=sin α这种东西懂,不懂的是,例题里得数是TM分数!我打个比方……一个得数是sin60°,然后得二分之根号三书上就写到那个sin 根号的得数咋出来的!那个几分 三角函数的诱导公式一共有多少种.解析方法 英语基础知识在那找? where is the supermarket?为什么加the不是加a 求诗歌配乐!希望 希望是一盏漆黑夜里的灯火,指引着我们阔步前进的方向,正是因为有了它,我们才能斗志昂扬.希望是一股冰天雪地里的暖流,鼓舞着我们坚持战斗的力量,正是因为有了它,我们 求诗歌背景音乐北国的春一切的美都该归结一场雨过后的清新所有的尘埃都低到土里就像绘画所有的色彩都在他的手中变得那么细腻给已经消失的曾经换上新装这一切都只因只因她有颗洁白 现在大家要采取什么方法来保护地球呢?我们应该采取什么正确的方法呢.虽然我们现在只是小孩子.但是.我们应该从小事做起.你们觉得呢? auburn的don't give up歌词翻译后的意思是什么 Don't abandon don't give up 翻译中文是什么 what measures should we take to prevent sandstorm coming? how to learn english和 learn english how 哪个正确?