
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 17:16:39
反意疑问句的几种特殊形式 什么动物3个头5只脚8条腿? How many teachers are there in your schllo?( ),but i'm not sure.怎样Hundred?A.Hundreds B.Hundred C.Hundreds of D.One hundred 已知m,n是关于x的方程(k+1)x 抢答脑筋急转弯:6支耳朵,8条腿,4脚朝天,4脚朝地,6支眼睛,一条尾巴,猜动物的情况? 纺纱机,蒸汽机的使用,对人类社会的生产活动各产生了什么影响 有关灯火的作文 My teachers are _in_the_office_.(对划线部分提问) 若x=a是方程(x+2/6)-(x-1/2)+3=x-(x-m/3)求|a-b|-|b-m|的值.请给指教.若x=a是方程(x+2)/6-(x-1)/2+3=x-(x-m)/3求|a-b|-|b-m|的值.式子这样才对。我出示的是原题目。 什么情况下英语句子可以出现2个以上谓语?because后面还可以加谓语吗?不是非谓语! ( ) bowls are there in the cupboard.There are seven There are seven pencils in the pencilbox对seven提问 关于x的方程m/x=kx+b(k>0)的解为3或-1,则关于x的不等式m/x0)的解集为 解关于x的方程;:kx+m+x=4 Lighthouse Family的High歌词翻译一直很喜欢听,有人知道翻译么[00:00.71]When you're close to tears remember[00:05.20]someday it'll all be over[00:09.83]One day we're gonna get so high[00:19.20]Though it's darker than December[00:23.77]w 已知方程kx+b=-3的解是x=1,不等式kx+b-2.求一次函数y=kx+b的解析式 Okinawa,Taiwan,Diaoyu Islands were,are,and will always be part of China!1873年日本出兵侵占我属国琉球,并入日本改为“冲绳县”.由于此时清王朝已腐败无能,面对琉球王派到京城哭诉求援的使臣,只向日本提 Can I help you?I'd like bags of rice题目,Can I help you?I'd like( )bags of riceA.some C.littleB.a D.one Diaoyu islands is China's 和Diaoyu islands are China's 这两句哪句是正确的?并说明理由 It can’t be denied that the Diaoyu Islands are _______ part of China.A.a B.\ 一定要解释下 History proves Diaoyu Islands ______China's.是填is还是are 求汉译英“如果等待可以换来奇迹,那么我愿意一直等下去,无论多久… ” the whole family做主语 谓语动词用? The whole family was so happy.这句话谁能帮我翻译! Our whole family likes the sports我们全家人非常喜欢体育运动likes 还有可以用ALL转换么?帮组转换下啦.......L dou konw The number 2008 is a special number,( )I think,that will be remembered by the Chinese for everA.which B.what C.one D.it该题正确答案应选C,说明其他几项为什么不对, china,games,the,be,will,in,olympo,连词成句 To love another person is to see the face of God翻译,不要直译 已知直线l:kx-y-3k=0;圆M:x2+y2-8x-2y+9=0,(1)求证:直线l与圆M必已知直线l:kx-y-3k=0;圆M:x2+y2-8x-2y+9=0,(1)求证:直线l与圆M必相交; BRINGING DOWN THE HOUSE怎么样 屋后松竹添绣色的下一句 山河增秀色对什么