
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:52:49
我的swatch手表后有这么一段文字,求翻译.PATENTED WATER-RESSTANT SWISS MADE V8 BATTERY 390 SR1130SW 人们如何保护野生动植物 谈谈我们应该如何保护野生动植物?必须要写怎样保护 在一条小路上插红旗,每两面红旗相隔八米,从第一面到第十面红旗相距( )米? 金国的女真人与满族人是什么关系啊?满族人当中有姓完颜的吗? 现在的满族是过去的女真(金国)吗? 后金也就是满族时期与宋朝时期金国都是女真族,那个时候就留长辫子吗? She would rather ( ) (have) the small one than the large one the coat is ___for her it's nither small nor large but she thinks the colour of it isn't __for herA fit;fit Bsuitable;suitable C fit;suitable D suitable ;fit what happened to helen keller as she was a small child?急用! she began to t.in a small sshe began to t.in a small school.填空 主席台后面十面红旗分别代表什么意义? The big house is too expensive.I think I can't _____ to buy it.A)cost B)pay C)afford D)spend Luckily,the doctor finally saved the i( ) woman.She could't d( ) which house to buy.They are both S( ) talking!You must keep quiet in the reading room.F( ) put out the fire in that building yesterday.She can't come to school today,because she is s( ) 野生动植物基因具有多样性的含义是( ) A.控制每种生物的性状有多种多样的基因 B.每种生物都有独特 基因对性状的控制 Paul made fruit punch by mixing together 3 quarters of orange juice,2 pints of pineapple juice,1 pint of apple juice,and 3 cups of lemon.how many 1-cup servings of punch did Paul make? Water,milk and sugar____made into this drink.中应用IS还是ARE可是火线百天上用的是IS,且有一句Bread and butter is good food for breakfast. Sugar dissolves in water___that a solution is made.A.with the resultB.as a resultC.as a result ofD.with the result of There is 80% of water and 5% of sugar in fresh apples.How many percent of sugar is there in the same apples,when they have been dried so that the moisture content is 20%?求翻译和解答 若点P是∠ABC和外角∠ACE的角平分线的交点,求证:∠P=90°-∠A 若点P是角ABC和角ACE平分线的交点,求证:角P等于二分之一角最后一个字母是A 已知一个多边形内角和与某个外角的度数的总和为1350度,求多边形边数. 人类不吃饭只喝水一般能坚持活多长时间? 鸽子看成来很正常,什么毛病没有,为什么不吃食,饮水呢.我满意给一百分.是肉鸽 这个植物胶什么 这是什么植物胶什么名字 哪里有植物胶听说http://dmzwjc.cn.alibaba.com/供应植物胶 中文翻英文 禁止翻译软体 急 ! 请高手帮我翻希望是真的会英语的人 帮我翻 通顺 而且文法对的句子请会英文的帮我翻中文 绝对不要翻译软体 (因为是乱翻的句子 文法不通)尽量翻的简单点 请问下有人知道EXCEL如何自动统计行数 有点急, 一个人在孤岛,救援人员十天后到,你有AB俩种药,每种10粒,你每天各吃一粒才能活下去,但你不小心弄混了, 谁能告诉我这首歌叫什么名字