
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 09:13:21
when did you hear from your parents?Yesterday afternoon.的中文 How often do you hear from youm your pen-friend 翻译:it is 140 mil away and then turn around and made it back to Hungry Horse lol another 140 miles back 昨天你收到汤姆的信了吗?___you____ ____Tom yesterday?为什么答案上是Did hear from? 生物如何在一个封闭的生态系统中生存?取一只大约2L容积的有盖瓶,放入一些水族箱中的泥沙,厚约2CM,再放入一些清水,水位离瓶口6CM.放入金鱼藻,再用渔网小心地将金鱼放入,最后放入田螺,盖 求人教版新目标初中英语七年级和八年级上、下册mp3+lrc/课文朗读+听力 What You Never Know 歌词 这个企业名称用英语怎么说?香港欧梦家私有限公司 “职务称谓” 英语怎么说 世界历史上最厉害的动物是? 今年冬季天气会怎么样呢?会下大雪吗?/下雪的时间会不会长呢? 最近湖北有下雪吗?估计新春时节会下雪吗? 为什么地球今年没下雪 今年我们这里为什么还没有下雪啊.都大雪了.都还是5度的..咱办啊.估计又看不到雪了. 去年就是一次也没有看到的.哎 中国我喜欢你的英语是不是,China i Like you是不是 I like China I'd like to () () China.我想周游中国,求填空 我喜欢骑自行车去观光旅行.I like go traveling ______ ________ _______.题目确定无误 turn back 和 come back 什么区别 英语翻译有选项A、我就回家修路B、我就打道回府C、我就自杀D、我就远走他乡 翻译句子because I’m always working on so many projects.""I had named my graphic portfolio 'overworked' because I’m always working on so many projects."求翻译中文 I always stay at home.翻译 I'm not going to back. 求解释 英语翻译要准确无误 The journey of a thousand miles stares with one step是什么意思? The journey of a thousand miles begins until a single step.如何翻译 how to work it out 和how to work out it的区别 every year many foreigners____to china to learn chinese.A come B comes C came D is coming Many foreigners are learning Chinese m___ now 英语翻译不懂.请人翻译 .Mr.Black didn't go to work yesterday because he was ill in________ bed.A.a B.an C.the D./ Because he was ill,so he didn't go to work. (改错) 改同义句:There is nobody else in the classroom. He didn't go to work because the weather was bad