
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 16:50:36
We're very glad to _ here 为什么填be 在圆形白色纸板上以1:1:1的比例贴上红、绿、蓝三种色纸,把圆纸板安装在陀螺上,使陀螺快速旋转,颜色?原因 填词语什么的农田 l'm glad that you'll come to learn chinese.Chinese is very_________- Hello!I‘m very glad to see you.When___you ___here?A.did; arrive B.will ; arrive C.have;arrived D.are ; arriving 黄色光还有什么其他的特殊用途? Y 签名:huang@ting@fen In 1905,he and his friend,Huang Xing,set up Tongmenghui in Tokyo.Finally,Sun yat-sen and his menbrought down the Qing dynasty and achieved the victory of the Xinhai Revolution.However,his Three Principles of the People did not save China and the Chin i am very happy to be here 为什么是to be here```用IS不行吗··是因为一个句子里不能出现两个be吗 卫星云图中出现了黄色,这说明了什么?对我们的日常生活有何影响? 朗文当代大辞典和朗文当代高级词典哪个好(高中生) (I am very glad to know you).啥意思? Do you know Tom?---- Yes.we __ friends since 10 years agoA.were B.have made C.have become D.have been 用铜合金冒充纯金制品 两枚外形相同的实心戒指,一枚由纯金制作,另一枚用铜合金制作为了分辨哪一枚是金戒指,下列做法最好的是A.量体积进行比较B.称质量进行比较C.测密度进行比较D.以上方法都可以 铜和金的重量计算:金铜合金,一共20g,纯金占20%,请问纯金在合金里的重量是多少g? do you know Tom has passed the final examat last? yes, I felt when I heard the news.A exciting ,excited B excited,exciting C exciting, exciting Dexcited,excited 古诗【忆梅】赞美梅花什么品质? 忆梅这首诗分别赞美梅花怎样的品格 山园小梅赞美梅花的什么品格 山园小梅赞美了梅花的哪些品格? 大部分的树叶长出来时是绿色的,秋天变黄、变红了,而有的树叶长出来时是红色的,后来变绿了,这是为什么 牛津英汉字典收录了多少单词?RT 大学英语四级词汇在牛津英汉字典里是从那一页开始? 请达人帮帮忙,给我个能装在KINDEL3里面的牛津英汉字典.TXT格式的.我实在不想装多看了.只要不装多看,在KINDEL里能用的就行.什么格式都成.帮助我的人们今年都发大财啊.惭愧啊,一着急把单词打 翻译:helped someone you didn't know? 求翻译!no wonder you didn't make it to the competition 英语翻译我只知道i was lost是我迷路了的意思.可以说 i was very lost.or i was a little lost. didn't you know?的回答, 翻译 I didn't know anyone there,so I talked to no one. —Do you know the girl between________?—Yes,she's my pen pal from England.A.he and me B.him and I C.him and me D.he and I 赞美梅花品格的诗和其中描写了梅花怎样的品格