
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 21:15:27
非常的急用呢.斜面高1m,倾角为30°,在斜面定点A以速度V0(0标在V右底下的喔)水平抛出一小球,小球刚好落于斜面底部B点,不计空气阻力,求小球抛出的速度V0(0标在V右下底)和小球在空中运动的时 有一处错误,请指出并改正1.l think there are too much rules in our school.2.Don't listen to music in the classroom and the hallways.3.We can't eat in the claass.4.We have to quiet in the schllo library5.Li Fei doesn't like english,too. do you like to stay at home? sure( ) i don't .why? there are many rules in my home . ( )i can't watch tv on school nights. i have to go bed by 9.30( )? 括号里填什么 There are too many rules and too (many /much) work in my factory. 连词成句①has get food grandpa he to for his ②many rules are there home at too my ③be don't noisy the in ciassroom ④we wear hat can can a in class 物理题 高中 课外的美词美句摘抄(注明出处)要一些初中课外的美词美句摘抄,记得注明出处.有了的不要。 初中课外美词、美句摘抄(注明出处)格式:美词:银蛇 蜡像 欲与.美句:山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高.——————《沁园春·雪》 课外美词,美句摘抄(注明出处)课外美词,美句摘抄,要注明出处 要多点 课外美词美句摘抄我要二篇,要有好句,中心思想和我的感受,好的我加二十分! 英语翻译此句型中的地点名词能否用there?在此处there是不是名词? 求How do you think the transport system in our city could be improved?翻译! I still think our everything. There is no knowing 翻译下!谢谢! 你认为几年后我们的城市的污染会少吗?Do you think there ----- ----- ---- pollution in our city ----- 一个数的立方根的手工计算方法 计算:1/1+根号3+1/根号3+根号5+---1/根号9+根号11 已知一元二次方程ax2+bx+c=0有一个根为3,且a=根号2-b +根号b-2,求abc的值已知一元二次方程ax2+bx+c=0有一个根为3,且a=根号2-b +根号b-2,求abc的值... 初一下学期期末数学总结300zi 初一下学期数学知识点总结小报 挑选难题 家长会时身为数学课代表必须要为家长作数学总结要求:1.礼貌2.同学课上很好,纪律很好,就是不复习不预习,成绩十分差 帮忙分析英语四级成绩 听力154 写作77 综合47 阅读143 总分421,倒霉霉.帮忙分析一下如何才能考540分,有请大虾. 本人2010年12月英语四级总分388,听力153;阅读120,综合43,写作和翻译72,求高手定制学习方案 13.31 -1.728 -0.04367 根号下4×9×25=__________ 鲁教版七年级上册数学书67到71页答案, 请问:英语书是什么版本? 计算log2.5(6.25)+lg1/100+In根号下e+2[1+log2(3)]2.5是下标,[1+log2(3)]是上标,(3)是上标 根号下1.25为多少啊? 12.13.14题 是怎么算出来的? 当x为何整数时,分式x-1分之4的值为正整数?