
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:27:24
Mr Freeman has been to Jiuzhaigou t____ ,but he still looks forward to a third chance the man got a chance to vlsit japan last mouth.to visit japan提问 句子翻译:我们对金门大桥模型很惊讶.他们就像我们家乡的一样.英语. 不清洁提单是什么? 请问:祈使句(否定结构)的回答有什么规则?-Don't read picture books in class,please,Tom.-No,I won't. 《妈妈的爱》一段话作文怎么写 word came that the young business man got close to_(kill的哪个形式)in the train accident 1. When I left the island last night,_____ word came that ____ strong wind would hit it soon.A.a,a B.a;/ C./;a D.a;/ 那个答案正确也帮我解答一下为什么选这个答案好吗 A woman has the last word in any argument.Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.谁能帮我翻译一下, 有没有像左冲又撞这类的词?越快越好,至少三个! 必须是感恩一段话 when I live in BeiJing last year,I like the girl very much,i like the girl very much in Beijing last year。和上一句的区别 关于感恩的一段话要全面的 不要偏向某个方面的 只有十分钟 2011-08-28 23:21:17 30分还没有人回答 可以多加30分 感恩老师的一段话 请问how is he like?与what is he like?有什么区别 感恩父亲的一段话 不清洁提单 海运提单中的不清洁提单是怎么形成的? 六级什么时候报名啊就是这学期的 报名缴费后什么时候照相啊 Do you like cats?There is 1 old woman in England.She 2 a son or a daughter.She lovesDo you like cats?There is 1 old woman in England.She 2 a son or a daughter.She loves 3 .She wants to give them a home.She has black cats and white cats.She has 4 cats 请问,英语6级报名时间是什么时候啊? 围绕感恩这个话题,照下面的句子写一段话学会感恩,是用放大镜去看别人的优点,学会感恩,是温暖的阳光,照到哪里哪里亮,学会感恩,是感情的粘合剂. Her parents died when she was very young,so she was___by her aunt.a.brought upb.brought outc.grown upd.grown ABAB式的词语和左冲右撞这样的词语上吐下泻、横七竖八、前倨后恭、外焦里嫩、前俯后仰、前仰后合、你来我往、你死我活、上天入地。都可以 Tom also sits()me()Jimbeside和besides填空 I have never felt that a very strange felling是什么意思? The business man felt pleased that he was a man of action .中 that后的部分做什么成分 不是说What...like?是问的性格、品质,而what...look like问的是长相、外貌吗?那这道题选什么?为什么?( ) 9.What’s your brother like?________.A.He’s fine,thank you.B.He’s doing his homework now.C.He’s tall and thin.D.He 照样子,写词语 左冲右撞 what is he like?是问他长什么样,还是问性格, 照样子写词语,左冲右撞 棱长3cm的正方体表面积比棱长2cm的正方体表面积要多大