
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 06:13:06
今天早晨会下雨么 谁有的读后感谁来行行好,为我写一篇读有感,让我参考参考! 直接引语改间接引语:1:My teacher asked me:"Do you like togo out for a week in the morning."2:The man asked the boy:"How many places have you been to?"3:LiMing said:"I joined the League in August,1980." 一道应用题,一批水果,第一天卖出480吨,第二天卖出余下的八分之三,这时,剩下的与卖出的的比是5:7,这批水果共多少千克? One day .my English teacher s asked me to help her save they were worried是什么意思? Kate wants to (join the English club).对打括号部分提问 英语翻译翻译以下句子“They were all worried a lot,but they had no time to go to the Great Wall again.”“One day he fell down from it when he was cleaning the window,but he didn't hurt himselves.”“Because he lived on the first floor! about,were,girl,they,worried,sad,the连词成句 They were worried about ______they could come back.A,if B,wether if 和whether 不都表示“是否”的意思么? 近代史上,清政府赔款最多的条约是( ),割地最多的条约是( )A.《马关条约》B.《辛丑条约》C.《北京条约》D.《瑷珲条约》 They were extremely _____ .A)worried .B)worrying .C)worry 应该选什么,为什么? 中国近代史上赔款最多的条约是______________. 中国近代史上赔款最多的条约是辛丑条约吗? 近代史上,帝国主义列强强迫清政府签订的条约中,赔款数最多的是 赔款最多的条约是什么? yesterday Jim me a call from English.a,made;b,gave;c,asked;d,took word2003怎么把替换文字,而且把替换的文字改颜色例如把下面这一段中的“的”替换为“de”并且只把de改成红色 然而,不能把虚拟现实和模拟仿真混淆,两者是有一定区别的.概括地说,虚拟现实 有没有"play against with sb."这个短语?为什么搜到的都不加“with"?play不是不及物动词吗? Why're the forigen festivals popular with in the China要用英文回答啊`~ 1.Do you celebrate some Western festival?Why are they popular in China? Some western festivals(become popular)in China than before.请问括号里的应该怎样变型? 李商隐的简介 唐诗中,李商隐的作品《蝉》是用来比喻自己什么品格 李商隐的诗对后人的影响麻烦说的具体点,他的诗是怎样影响后世的诗人的?甚至是后世的词坛都受到了他的诗的影响,具体是怎么体现的? He wants to play the piano in the afternoon.对play the piano 提问 Mark is learning to play the piano.He wants to be a p( ).I think lisa wants to join the chess club中的join为什么不加s 证明:从11个非零的正整数中一定能选出6个整数,使这6个数之和能被6整除.此题看似容易,实际很难 三十到十五的好词好句好词好句 数学1对1家教怎么找? Florence And The Machine 的Never Let Me Go歌词也要中文