
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:49:09
It is raining today.(改为同义句) It is __ today.谢啦,每空一词 1除以5/6= 20%除以1/2= 1/3×30%= 请教一句英文名言的中译.We ought not to treat living creatures like shoes or household belongings,which when worn with use we throw away. 请教一句英文名言的中译.A positive attitude may not solve every problem,but it makes solving any problem a more pleasant experience.GRANT FAIRLEY 英语翻译I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the content of their character这句话正确的翻译应该是什么 陶渊明《饮酒》阅读答案1、诗人在于大自然的亲近中获得了________的心境2、前人评论这首诗时曾说,“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”中的“见”字用的非常精妙,换成“望”字就没有这种效果 读陶渊明的饮酒(其五)回答问题诗中的“心远”一词是什么意思?在诗中有何作用?请对诗中的名句“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”做简要赏析. 饮酒其五 这首诗情、景、理三者浑然交融写了哪些景物阅读答案 饮酒阅读答案1.作者通过对眼前景物的叙写,说明什么道理?(用原文回答)2.诗中描绘傍晚时分山中美丽景色的诗句是?3.作者在诗中表现了怎样的人生态度和生活情绪?4.饮酒中的“山七日夕佳, 一个数的8分之7是20分之21,这个数是( ),这个数的5分之2是( ). 请高手英翻中2句1.and people who have the persisting sides tends to go well together.2.You are trying to do that way by watching the video 9√(3+7√(12-4√(27 急 There’s a lot of uncertainty surrounding the economy and unemployment figures in particular at the moment我不懂surrounding 在句子做何解surrounding 是介词啊 怎么我查不到 不过应该是在什么什么中的意思 怎么一般的 简单英翻中Use the cluse to complete the word puzzle. 急求2006年五羊杯全国数学竞赛初二试题及答案具体的网站,请勿灌水 简单的英翻中When the heartache is over I know I won't be missing you Won't look over my shoulder Cause I know that I can live without you 有三瓶盐溶液A.B.C,如果将它们按照体积比为4:3:3混合,那么则得到20%的盐溶液,如果将它们按照体积比为:5:4:1混合,那么将得到22%的盐溶液,现将4升A溶液和2升B溶液混合,如果要保证得到16%的盐溶 Can we make animals work for us?Some scientists(科学家)think that one day we can teach animals to dCan we make animals work for us?Some scientists(科学家)think that one day we can teach animals to do a lot of things for people.They say that in 把以下句子改为被动语态.Some people object if others make them work hard.Some people object if others make them work hard.请答出为什么这么改.这道题应该运用被动语态的哪个结构? People can make dogs do some work by t____ them. Some people object to being made to work hard 请翻成中文 22届五羊杯数学竞赛如何参赛 A.B.C.D.E五人参加"五羊杯"初中数学竞赛得分都超过91分,其中E排第三得96分.又知A.B.C平均95分,B.C.D平均94分.若A排第一,则D得( )分A:98 B:97 C:93 D:92 【求翻译】简单的英翻中!价格太贵了(不值这个价格),而且质量也一般,这个成本很低的 英语翻译Reading a good book is not the case of seeing how much a reader can get through,but rather how much can get through the reader. 英语翻译Housing prices in Sydney in the June quarter 2006 were still lower than in the December quarter 2003.(quarter怎么样翻译比较好)翻译成季度的话,那么June quarter 2006是翻成 2006年第二季度?December quarter 2003 英语翻译If they do not reach agreement on the appropriate ADR proceeding within fourteen (14) days after failure of the settlement negotiations or if the dispute is not settled through an ADR proceeding within a period of two (2) months after ini Some people who think that competition in children should be made就是that 可以省略吗?我认为是think that 是认为的意思 如果that 省略是什么理由?think that 不是认为的意思吗? Some people think that a new language should be invented for people from different countries to useSome people think that a new language should be invented for people from different countries to use for the international communication.To what extent 被减数92看成了65,算得结果是17,正确的结果应是多少 小虎在计算一道减法题的时候把被减数13.6看成136,所得差是125,正确的差是多少 小虎做一道减法题时,把减数十位上的6看成9,被减数个位上的9看成6,求出的差是577.正确的差是610吗急