
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 09:55:36
-Why didn't Jazz give you the book he wrote?-I didn't want it,but he would have given me if I ____.A would B do C will D had 醉西游答题活动,我国最大的淡水湖是?正确答案是什么? 3道高二英语选择5、Nobody can _______the terrible situation any longer._A、put up with B come up with C、keep up with D、left from6、Have you________how much the trip will cost?A、figured out B、handed out C、come out D、given out7、O 1 With a lot of things_____,she left the fashion clothes store and went into the supermarketAto buy B buy C bought D buying这个题我觉得应该是to be bought2 If abook is in enghlish.____means slow progress for you.A as B which C what Dthat我 香菱学诗中黛玉、宝钗、宝玉等人的作用 体会下列句子中标点符号的作用.宝玉!宝玉!你好...(黛玉在病榻上听说宝玉将要迎娶宝钗时说的话 英语翻译翻译英语广告时要充分考虑到英汉两种文化的差异.翻译时不能直译,否则会闹出笑话或起到相反的后果.比如,有一种名为poison的洗发香波,在国外市场很畅销,poison的原义是“毒物”,用 宝钗为什么不教香菱学诗? 喜逢泰来万事吉,是什么意思. (Does) Miss Gao (teach) English in your school (do;teach) 为什么teach 不是第三人称单数? ______(work)hard,or you ___(fail)in the exams.Who ____(teach)you maths?Miss Gao does.There ___(be)two football matches on TV,aren't there?The greedy boss often makes his workers ___(work)more than 12 hours a day. 1、____(work)hard,or you ____(fail)in the exams.2、Who___(teach)you maths?Miss Gao does.3、There_____(be)two football matches on TV,aren't there?4、The greedy bosss often makes his workers ____(work)more than 12 hours a day. Does you teach Chinese,Miss bright?的意思是什么 X÷Y=5……2,也可以写成X÷Y=5又( )分之2( )里应填y, 合欢树什么时间能开花, 请问马缨花播种繁殖几年开花? 14-15题答案~还有标明一下从句类型..一定要有从句类型.. 11-13题答案~还有标明一下从句类型.一定要有从句类型. 一道英语从句的题; (5)He made another wonderful discovery,___of great importance to science.A which I think isB which I think it isC which I think itD I think which is 求Alex Gaudino - I'm In Love(I Wanna Do It)的英文歌词. 人类是从什么时候开始不能自由迁徙的?良民证?不会是小日本侵略那时候那种吧? 日本几月份放寒假?日本大学研究生放寒假?放多久?从什么时候开始?请问你所说的春假是什么时候开始放假啊? 帮我解释一下<霜天晓角梅>(萧泰来) x(x-y)2-(y-x)3 征求合理解释,经研究发现,空气中少量NO2能参与硫酸型酸雨的形成,反应过程如下:1、SO2+NO2==SO3+NO2、SO3+H2O==H2SO43、2NO+O2==2NO2NO2在上述过程中的作用,与H2SO4在下述变化中作用相似的是A、潮湿的 从《合欢树》中 找出文中描述合欢树的句子 答的好的我加分(加很多噢!)“绝口不提”的“绝”怎么解释?注意:是解释这个“绝”字,说废话的一律不采纳! 清风卷帘海棠红怎么样 清风卷帘海棠红xiazai 新概念2的80-90课的摘要写作.忘记写了,两篇都要. 比较新概念2和高二英语特训哪个更好英语水平110-120之间 错过的东西会是最美的吗?