来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:09:05
用get bored with造句 谁知道be bored 英语翻译The moment I began the touch of English,I had made up my mind that I would be a translator.The major I chose was English.I believe a good translator is someone who has a comprehensive knowledge of both source and target languages.The firs 以下的词是什么词性?理想·嘴脸·空想·面貌·团结·附和·勾结·赞成·鼓舞·煽动·谦虚·妄想只有褒义词和贬义词 作文:my future带翻译 They are ___(read) book 3、Can I finish ____(read)this book?It‘s so interesting.4、Let____(we)help___(they). 用be busy with 造句 用 be good with 造句还有是help.with和join的用法要讲解和解释顺便帮我几个句子拉1.我和他相处得很好2.你能帮我学英语吗?3.他只会讲一点英语4.你能加入到我们中间吗?5.他任务他不能参加篮球 用 be pleased with 造句 翻译Much meaning can be carried clearly,with our eyes, 周末计划的英语怎么说?是plans for the weekend还是plan for the weekend?为什么? My weekend plan(一般将来时) my weekend plan作文不少于六十字, We see with our eyes怎么翻译 My plan for this weekend的作文 with our eyes和before our eyes 区别 电灯 电话 电视机 电扇 电线 不同类的是( ) 空想 荣誉 名誉 面貌 行为 行径 理想 鼓舞 煽动 鼓动 嘴脸褒义词:中性词:贬义词:一( )土丘 一( )丝带 一( )请柬 一( )床铺 怎样判断盐雾试验后的不锈钢是否合格这个时间和腐蚀程度怎样定呢?有相关标准规定吗?如:2507不锈钢,在5%盐雾多少小时的腐蚀,产生或不产生多少腐蚀点则说说明合格;316、2205呢?不 你们该去做早操了.翻译成英文 It is time ----------------------------------. 用玻璃做客厅屏风隔断怎么样? 隔断和隔断墙有什么区别?办公室那种玻璃的一间一间的 是算隔断还是隔断墙啊? Our friendship _ quickly over the weeks that followed.C.would develop D develop为什么不是C?友谊在接下来的几周发展很快 为什么不是过去将来呢? it's relaxing()our with our with our friends on weekends What are your plans for the future?How to live a meaningful life?写成短文,大约两分钟, I wish I can develop a lifelong friendship with you 知道的说下.wish I can develop a lifelong friendship with you 东城一模 34.what are your plans for ____ future?i always dream of ____ future that i can spend...东城一模34.-- what are your plans for ____ future?-- i always dream of ____ future that i can spend all the time painting.B .the,a为什么选这 What is your plans?还是what are your plans?为什么 I want to read an ()(有趣的)book. After seeing the film,___________.A.the book make me want to read it.B.I want to read the book.请帮我回答After seeing the film,__________________.A.the book was read by him B.he wanted to read the bookC.the book made him want to read itD.the rea I-want-to-read-a-book中的不定式to可以省去吗?请举例I want to read a book的不定式可以省去吗?请举例说明! I want to read the book.如果是,哪是谓语?哪是宾语?