
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:27:19
As a result of the the fog haze weather,nowdays many people are longing to live ____the air isfresher A thatBwhenC whereD in which 为什么选C啊,in which 跟where不是一个意思吗?有啥区别呢 写出比较级与最高级 long big fat short heavy 写近义词:濒临、迷失、抉择、甘美、蕴含、终生 the cat is in front of the monkey big的比较级和最高级bad/ill的比较级和最高级 迷失的近义词 甘美的近义词 big的比较级和最高级分别是什么 迷失、抉择、蕴含的近义词 short的比较级和最高级 甘美的近义词 耽误的近义词是什么 Our dog,cat and rabbit had to play to a certain extent by our rules.求翻译,机器不要, 主谓宾划分:1.They parted and went their own ways2.They stopped talking to each other 3.The two boys saw each other at the school gym4.Patrick and Grant are best friends.They are like“two peas in a pod".5.They made a deal.They would do their 分析句子结构主谓宾 Dealing with customers who complain about their food and where they are seated分析句子结构主谓宾Dealing with customers who complain about their food and where they are seated is too big or too small 耽误的近义词 耽搁的近义词是什么 Roll your mother\'s egg roll egg 用加定冠词the吗?roll egg 用加定冠词the If they mean to you what they mean to me,they may perhaps They are off to a great start.What does "off" mean here? 奥赛山东成绩什么时候出 我想问化学奥赛山东省一等奖有什么用,不是全国一等,是不是没用? 传承的近义词 近义词:干扰,端详,局面,耽误,操劳,沉思快,我急 耽误的近义词和反义词是什么? the words in the screen这句话对吗in用对了没有 handmade chocolate easter easter egg为什么出来的是那个玩意?为神马? a lot of flowers___on the screen just now.A:appeared B:were appeared选择哪 Then appeared he on the spot 改错这句话怎么改? go on Easter egg it is always nice to see